
Keystone Rapid Multi Surface Disinfectant Cleaner (6102268) replaces Peroxide Disinfectant & Glass Cleaner RTU (Keystone) (6100923)


Keystone Rapid Multi Surface Disinfectant Cleaner

Help improve operations with this flexible, 4-in-1 disinfectant cleaner. Instill confidence with clean, healthy spaces and optimize cleaning efficiencies to make cleaning easy on staff. Simplify cleaning with one product across a variety of spaces and surfaces including public spaces, bathrooms, tables, and hard furniture. Effective on high touch point hard surfaces, mirrors, windows, glass, and fixtures, plus disinfection and soft surface sanitization.

  • SUPC Number: 7181122
  • Ecolab PIC: 6102262
  • GTIN Number: 10025469063820
Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits:

Simplify procedures with one product across multiple spaces and surfaces.

Speed up cleaning by reducing steps and achieving quick disinfection.

Promote cleanliness, health and positive user experience.

Rapid Multi Surface Disinfectant Cleaner is EPA registered (EPA Reg No 1677-272) and able to be sold in all 50 states. New claims to this product have been approved by the federal EPA, with the exception of California, currently under review. Refer to the footnotes below when making a claim on soft surface disinfection, 10 second SARS-CoV-2 kill time, and Noro, Influenza and hospital disinfection claims.

Soft Surface Disinfection:Claim is approved by federal EPA and all 49 states except California. In California, the soft surface disinfection and soft surface virucide are under review. Please use soft surface SANITIZATION claims and application in California.

10 second SARS-CoV-2 claim: Claim is approved by federal EPA and all 49 states except California. In California, claim is under review and not approved at this time. In California, please follow label directions for 30 second SARS-CoV-2 claim.

Noro, Influenza and hospital disinfection claims: When used according to label directions; EPA Reg. No. 1677-272): 30 second virus claims are approved across all states and CAN be used in California.


For General cleaner, the concentrate can be used between 1 – 6oz/gal.

For disinfection and virucidal performance, the product must be diluted between 4 – 6oz/gal. Refer to the product label for specific dilution and directions for use.

Effective Against/On:

Hospital disinfection in 3 – 5 minutes, including:

  • Esherichia coli O157:H7
  • Listeria monocytogenes
  • Staphylococcus aureus [MRSA}
  • And more - see product label

Virucidal claims in 30 seconds or less, including:

  • SARS-CoV-2
  • Influenza A and B viruses
  • Rhinovirus
  • Murine norovirus
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • And more - See product label for all claims

How To Use

As a general cleaner, the concentrate can be used between 1 – 6oz/gal. For disinfection and virucidal performance, the product must be diluted between 4 – 6oz/gal. Refer to the product label for specific dilution and directions for use.

This multi-surface solution can be used very broadly across a number of different surfaces and spaces, including glass, mirrors, stainless steel, chrome, aluminum, cultured or synthetic marble, travertine, granite, porcelain, ceramic, quartz, melamine, polycarbonate, plexiglass, PVC, polypropylene, formica, vinyl, rubber, luxury vinyl floor tile, linoleum. For other surfaces not listed here, please reach out to tech service.


Keystone Rapid Multi Surface Disinfectant Cleaner (6102268) replaces Peroxide Disinfectant & Glass Cleaner RTU (Keystone) (6100923)


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